miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Bristol Fighter Mk.1 02

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Compatibles con DirectX10 preview.

Bristol F2B Mk.1 - Flight Simulator X Version 1.0 © Robert Bruce 2007

Copyright and License Information.


The contents of this zip file are copyright © Robert Bruce 2007 - All rights reserved.

This version of the software is FREEWARE and may be freely distributed in accordance with the following conditions:-

- This notice and any other included documentation in the zip file must remain in the zipfile and accompany the contents of any distribution.
- No charge may be made for downloading and distributing this software. It is to remain free at all times.
- This software must not be included and distributed on any CD-ROM, DVD or other removable media compilations without the permission and consent of the copyright owner.
- This software must NOT be auctioned on Ebay or any other auction site.
- Use of content and artwork, such as textures, instrument artwork, bombs and pylons, in other distributed products is PROHIBITED without the written consent of the designer/author.
- Repaints of this aircraft are permitted without requiring the consent of the designer. However it would be appreciated if you could advise the designer as a courtesy.

This software carries no warranties or guarantees express or implied, or liabilty of any kind. The author of this software is not liable for any problems involving software or hardware or any other problems [e.g health, marital] that the user may encounter as a result of using this software. The user accepts the software 'AS IS' and installs on their computer at their own risk.

As this software is FREEWARE it is provided WITHOUT support. Questions and feedback are most welcome and may be forwarded to the author at robruce2@gmail.com. I may not be able to reply to all emails. Updates and/or upgrades may be released at a future date depending on feedback and available time. However this is not guaranteed.

Installation of this software on the user's computer constitutes acceptance of this license agreement.


Robert Bruce 
February 2007.

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